Calendar of Events

Events in December 2022

  • Monthly Board Meeting

    Monthly Board Meeting

    December 10, 2022

    Monthly General Meeting

    Monthly General Meeting

    December 10, 2022

    White Elephant Gift Exchange and Wine Tasting

    White Elephant Gift Exchange and Wine Tasting

    December 10, 2022

    We will be having a White Elephant Gift Exchange on 12/10/22. For those who would like to participate in the wine tasting, please show up at 4pm.  Otherwise come to the clubhouse at 5pm.  Each participant will bring a wrapped gift that they spent approximately $20 on.  This should be a gift that any gender would appreciate.  Please RSVP here so we know how many will participate and specify if you will be in the wine tasting as well.

  • Winter Solstice and Holiday Light Festival

    Winter Solstice and Holiday Light Festival

    December 17, 2022

    Check for updates in the forum

    Per Blanka:

    Starting with CHRISTMAS COOKIES EXCHANGE at 4 pm at club house.  RSVP IF YOU LIKE TO BE PART OF THIS thx

    Details: make one kind some old family or friends' recipes about 25 pieces at least and bring extra. Also bring list of ingredients for those cookies for sensitive or allergic people. Healthy / tasty and creative choices welcome.

    More people will join more kind of cookies you will take home !  No idea what to make, text me I can suggest so something 503 803 6671

    4.30 pm making paper snowflakes for window decoration and sipping on hot cider / chocolate/ spice wine

    POTLUCK. @ 5.30 pm  team of it. Anything cozy -comforty   -tasty -roasty -wintery

    ENTERTAINMENT: 6 pm or when done with dinner Dress up costume of your choice and add lights to it LED lights or others creative way

    DJ and possibly Karaoke music where you can find song to go with your costume and we can all sing along

  • New Year's Eve Cocktails

    New Year's Eve Cocktails

    December 31, 2022

    A cocktail and appetizer party are planned to kick off 2023.  Come at 8pm with what you want to drink and an appetizer or dessert.  There will be a few games to play, but we may be able to get karaoke going as well.